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Bring Your Own Data

Unlock the full potential of your data with our enterprise search solution designed specifically for the life sciences industry.

What you’ll get

Complete Data Compatibility 

Seamlessly integrate data across formats—from presentations and spreadsheets to documents and recordings. Ferma’s advanced algorithms ensure your data is ready for analysis

Chart and Graph Data Extraction

Dive deeper into your quantitative data with Ferma’s ability to extract and process insights from complex charts, graphs, and tables.

Customized Workflows

Improve the accuracy of your insights with custom models designed specifically for your data and use cases.

Models Never Trained on Your Data 

Guarantee your data’s confidentiality. Our proprietary algorithms and life sciences knowledge graph eliminate the need for training on your information.

No Hallucinations; Grounded Citations

Ferma ensures all outputs are directly traceable to your original data, with no fabricated results.

On-Premise Hosting Options 

If needed, keep your data entirely within your own VPC with Ferma’s flexible on-premise deployment.

Related Reading

Ready to transform your data?

Contact us today to schedule a demonstration.

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Accelerate your journey

Ferma isn't just about answers, it's about empowering the next generation of life science breakthroughs. Join the AI revolution and discover how Ferma can guide you to your next eureka moment.