
Frequently Asked Questions

ZoomRx is a healthcare research firm that conducts a wide range of studies to help its clients understand the healthcare industry and make informed decisions. Our studies include clinical trial research, market sizing, patient segmentation, and more.

All healthcare professionals including Physicians, Nurses, Other allied healthcare professionals, and patients from USA, UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain can register on our panel.

Yes, you need to complete the verification process by providing your medical license, email from your institutional email ID, or a verification video. Once your profile is verified, you can participate in any study and get paid without any further requirements. Verification is our way of confirming your identity. It prevents anyone from impersonating a healthcare professional.

ZoomRx conducts a wide range of healthcare research studies, including market research studies to evaluate the effectiveness and potential of new healthcare products, patient insights studies to better understand patient needs and experiences, and surveys and polls to gather data on healthcare trends and practices.

ZoomRx takes the privacy and confidentiality of its study participants very seriously. It follows strict protocols and guidelines to protect participants' personal information and ensures that data is stored and transmitted securely. Participants are also informed about how their information will be used and are given the opportunity to opt out of participating in studies if they wish.

Yes, participants in ZoomRx's studies are compensated for their time and effort. The specific compensation may vary depending on the type and duration of the study. Payments are made either through PayPal or Checks.

The frequency of invitations to participate in ZoomRx's studies may vary depending on the participant's eligibility and the types of studies being conducted at any given time. However, participants can generally expect to receive invitations on a regular basis if they meet the eligibility criteria for the studies being conducted.

Signing up to become a panelist for ZoomRx is a straightforward and simple process. You can complete the registration process by following this link: https://app.zoomrx.com/#/user/signup. After clicking the link, you'll be taken to a short sign-up form that you can complete in just a few minutes. Once you submit the form, you'll receive an email with a link to verify your email address, and you'll be ready to participate in our studies. We appreciate your interest in joining our panel and look forward to having you as a member of our community.

No, there are no fees or costs associated with participating in ZoomRx's studies. ZoomRx covers all costs associated with the study and compensates participants for their time and effort.

ZoomRx values its panelists and strives to provide them with timely support and assistance. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. Our customer support team will respond to your query within 24 hours on weekdays, and we're always here to help.

Yes, you can earn $30 for every successful referral. A "successful referral" is when someone joins our panel using your referral link and completes at least one survey with us within 6 months of joining ZoomRx. The referral program is open to all panelists, and there is no limit to the number of referrals you can make.