
Behind the scenes

Curious about how we find the perfect fit? Our hiring process is a blend of precision and personality, designed to uncover the best talent for our team. Dive into our approach and see why joining ZoomRx is more than just a job—it's a mutual discovery. 

Application process

Application submission

How you can get started?

Submit an application. Upon submitting your application, expect prompt acknowledgement as we review your qualifications, experience, and alignment with our company values. If your profile stands out, you will be contacted within 2 weeks and progress to the next stage.

Consider these tips when submitting your application.

By incorporating these application tips into your application, you'll be well-positioned to make a strong impression and land your dream role with us.

Customize your resume to highlight relevant skills and experiences that align with the role you're applying for. Focus on achievements and quantify your impact where possible to demonstrate your value.

Take the time to learn about our company, mission, values, and culture. Understanding who we are and what we stand for will not only help you tailor your application but also demonstrate your genuine interest in joining our team.

In addition to technical skills, emphasize soft skills such as communication, collaboration, problem-solving, innovative spirit, creativity, and adaptability. These qualities are highly valued at ZoomRx and can set you apart as a well-rounded candidate.

How You Can Prepare?

If selected for an interview, prepare thoroughly. A typical interview process consists of the items below. Many of these are to assess your past experiences and learning, while others assess your critical thinking and problem-solving ability.

Interview process

It is a timed online assessment meant to evaluate your problem-solving, critical thinking, decision-making, memory, attention, and other cognitive functions relevant to the position.

It is a take home opportunity to assess your readiness and suitability to effectively do the position you have applied for. You will be asked to prepare a response to a simulated scenario to showcase your ability to solve problems, think strategically, and effectively communicate.

This is where we not only interview you, but you interview us! We will focus on discovering how well your values, work style, communication approach, personality, and ambitions match what we look for here.

Consider these tips when preparing for your interview

Prepare Thoroughly

Research ZoomRx, the role you're applying for, and the individuals you'll be interviewing with. Familiarize yourself with our company culture, values, recent projects, and industry trends.

Highlight Your Achievements

Use specific examples from your past experiences to illustrate your accomplishments and contributions. Quantify your achievements whenever possible to provide context and demonstrate your impact.

Demonstrate Problem Solving Skills

Be prepared to tackle hypothetical scenarios or case studies that assess your problem-solving abilities. Walk through your thought process, ask clarifying questions, and propose logical solutions.

Emphasize Your Fit

Highlight how your skills, values, and personality align with ZoomRx's culture and the requirements of the role. Showcase your enthusiasm for the opportunity to contribute to our mission and team.

Be Authentic

Be yourself during the interview and let your personality shine through. Authenticity is valued at ZoomRx, and showing your true self can help build rapport with the interviewers.

Ask Questions

Prepare a list of insightful questions to ask the interviewers about the role, team dynamics, company culture, and opportunities for growth.

Becoming a ZoomRx-er

We understand that starting a new position can be both exciting and
overwhelming. That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive onboarding program
to ensure that every new ZoomRx-er has the support and resources they need.


If you accept an offer to join ZoomRx, you can expect personalized support from our Talent Acquisition team to guide you through the necessary steps before your official start date.

What to expect

Documentation and Paperwork

We'll assist you in completing any required documentation and paperwork, such as tax forms, reference sheets, and background check forms. Our team will guide you through the process, ensuring that all necessary paperwork is submitted accurately and on time. 

Technology Shipment

To ensure a seamless transition into your role, we'll arrange for the shipment and set-up of your work-related technology, including email accounts, access to internal systems, and any necessary software or tools. Our OD team will be on hand to assist with any issues or questions you may have. 

Communication and Support

Throughout the pre-joining period, our Talent Acquisition team will maintain open lines of communication with you, providing regular updates and addressing any concerns or questions you may have. We're here to support you every step of the way and ensure that you feel valued and welcomed as you prepare to join the ZoomRx team.


The onboarding phase is the process of integrating you into ZoomRx and familiarizing you with company culture, policies, procedures, and expectations.

What to expect

Onboarding Schedule

Our People team will work closely with you a few days before your start to coordinate your onboarding schedule. We'll ensure you have a clear roadmap for your first few weeks at ZoomRx.

Orientation and Welcome Sessions

You'll participate in comprehensive orientation sessions designed to introduce you to ZoomRx’s culture, values, mission, and vision. These sessions will provide you with essential information about our company's history, structure, policies, and expectations, helping you feel confident and informed as you start your journey with us. 

Feedback and Check-Ins

We believe in open communication and continuous improvement, which is why we'll conduct regular check-ins and solicit feedback from you to ensure that your onboarding experience is positive and productive.

Team Integration

The team integration phase is the period post 2 weeks to 90 days where you become acclimated to your specific team. It involves building relationships with team members, understanding team dynamics, and aligning with the team’s goals and processes.

What to expect

Buddy System

As part of our support system, we may assign you a buddy or mentor from the team. This buddy will serve as a point of contact for questions, guidance, and support, helping you navigate team dynamics and integrate smoothly into the team culture. 

Regular Check-Ins

The Talent Team and People Team will conduct regular check-ins with you to assess your progress, address any concerns or challenges you may encounter, and provide ongoing support and feedback. 

Continuous Support

Throughout the team integration phase, we will remain committed to providing you continuous support and encouragement ensuring you have everything you need to succeed within the team and ZoomRx.